This happened on New Year’s when I was out running a quick errand with my kids.
I’m about five months pregnant with my third child, though I’m not showing much yet—just looking a bit bloated. I was pushing my son in his wheelchair, while my daughter walked beside me, as I picked up some baby items. I was on the phone with my husband, chatting about baby stuff, when an older woman approached me. She said, “I’m sorry, but I overheard—congratulations! God bless you.” I smiled, thanked her, and went on my way, thinking it was a sweet moment. Boy, was I wrong.
Later, as I was checking out, I struck up a conversation with the cashier about baby-related things. Suddenly, the same woman appeared in line behind me. She pushed my son’s wheelchair out of the way, shoved herself in front of me, and said, “Sorry, I just have to,” before proceeding to touch and rub my belly.
I was livid but trying to stay calm since I was holding my sleeping daughter and my son had rolled away to play with the store’s arcade machine. Without saying a word, I blinked, reached out, and touched her belly back.
She immediately recoiled and exclaimed, “How disrespectful of you to touch me! I’m not touching you—I’m touching your baby!” She said this while still rubbing my belly.
At this point, I’d had enough. I pushed her hand away, stepped aside, and said, “Oh, I could’ve dealt with you touching me. But touching two of my children without my consent? I could call the police.”
By now, I was fuming. A manager came over to check if I was okay. I explained what happened, and the woman began shouting, “But she touched me! She can’t touch me! She’s pregnant—I was touching the baby!”
The staff eventually escorted her out of the store. My kids were fine, thankfully, and the manager ended up giving me the items I was buying for free. As a thank-you, I gave the money I would’ve spent to the cashier, who was incredibly sweet and helpful throughout the ordeal.
Crazy lady, honestly.